Department of Communication
College of Charleston
Charleston, SC  29424
Cell Phone:  (843) 478-0558


Academic Degrees

Doctor of Philosophy in Mass Communication, School of Mass Communication, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio. Dissertation: Selective Exposure to Television: Predicting Inheritance Effects From VCR and Cable Penetration (University Microfilms Inc. #DA9034131)

Bachelor of Arts (summa cum laude) and Master of Arts, both in Speech Communication at The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. Thesis: The First Major Market Cable Television Failure: A Case Study of the 1967 CATV Efforts in Lakewood, Ohio

Academic Positions

Teaching Positions

Professor, Department of Communication, College of Charleston, Charleston, South Carolina.
(1999-       )

Associate Professor, Department of Telecommunications (now the Media Production & Studies specialty area in the School of Media and Communication),
Bowling Green State University (BGSU), Bowling Green, Ohio. 

Assistant Professor, Department of Telecommunications, BGSU.

Instructor, Department of Radio-Television-Film, BGSU.

Teaching Fellow, School of Mass Communication, BGSU.

Lecturer, Rhodes State College, Lima, Ohio.

Administrative Positions

Faculty Coordinator for e-Learning and Online Education, College of Charleston.

Director of Graduate Studies, Master of Arts in Communication, Department of Communication, College of Charleston.

Editor, Journal of Radio & Audio Media (formerly Journal of Radio Studies), Broadcast Education Association.

Chair, Department of Communication, College of Charleston.    

Chair, Department of Telecommunications, Bowling Green State University.

General Manager, WBGU-FM, Bowling Green State University.

Assistant Dean for Resources and Planning, College of Arts and Sciences, BGSU.

Non-academic Positions 

Station Manager, WLIO(TV) [NBC], Lima, Ohio.  (now Hometown Stations)   

Program Director and Assistant to the General Manager, WLIO(TV).

Promotion Director, WLIO(TV).                                             

Director and Film Editor, WLIO(TV).                                  

Program Director, Gerity Cablevision, Bay City, Michigan. 

Program Director, Salesperson, and Radio Announcer, KESM-AM/FM, El Dorado Springs, Missouri.    

Radio Announcer, WIMA-AM, Lima, Ohio.                                          

Sportswriter, The Lima News, Lima, Ohio.


Books (Google link) (Amazon link)

Eastman, S. T., & Ferguson, D. A. (2013). Media Programming: Strategies and Practices (9th Ed.). Thomson Wadsworth. Also editor/contributor on the 8th edition (2009) [Chinese edition available from Tsinghua University Press, 2011], 7th edition (2006), and on the 6th edition (2002) and 5th edition (1997) under the title Broadcast/Cable/Web Programming: Strategies and Practices. The 2013 edition includes the following authored chapters:

     Eastman, S. T., & Ferguson, D. A. (2013). A scaffold for programmers (pp. 3-41).

     Ferguson, D. A. (2013). Online television strategies (pp. 128-153).

     Ferguson, D. A., Meyer, T. P., & Eastman, S. T. (2013). Program and audience research and ratings (pp. 157-205).

     von Soosten, J., & Ferguson, D. A. (2013). Syndication for stations, cable, and online (pp. 206-241).

     Eastman, S. T., & Ferguson, D. A. (2013). Basic and premium subscription programming (pp. 303-339).

Eastman, S. T., Ferguson, D. A., & Klein, R. A. (2006) [reissued 2013]. Media Promotion & Marketing for Broadcasting, Cable & the Internet (5th Ed.). Focal Press. Also editor/contributor on the 3rd edition (1999) and 4th edition (2002) under the title Promotion & Marketing for Broadcasting, Cable, & the Web. [Korean translation available from Hanul Publishing, Chinese translation available from Huaxia Publishing, and Bulgarian translation from Sluntse Publishers.] The most recent (and final) edition included the following authored chapters:

     Ferguson, D. A., Eastman, S. T., and Klein, R. A. (2006). Promoting the media: Scope and goals (pp. 1-29).

     Ferguson, D. A., & Adams, W. J. (2006). Local television promotion: News, syndication, and sales (pp. 59-98).

     Ferguson, D. A. (2006). Network television promotion (pp. 163-190).     

Walker, J. R., & Ferguson, D. A. (1998). The Broadcast Television Industry. Allyn & Bacon. Includes the following authored chapters:

     Ferguson, D. A. (1998). The economics of broadcast television (pp. 42-63).

     Ferguson, D. A. (1998). The national broadcast television industry (pp. 105-120).

     Ferguson, D. A. (1998). Audience measurement: Viewer as commodity (pp. 121-134).

     Ferguson, D. A. (1998). The future of broadcast television (pp. 185-199).

Journal Articles (* = blind refereed) (Google link) h=25 (i10=39) Exaly rankings (Raw Data: OSF Quick Files)

  1. *Greer, C. F., & Ferguson, D. A. (2022). Conversational style of personality radio station posts on Twitter: Applying Hall's proxemics to digital communication. Journal of Radio and Audio Media, 29(2), 396-416. (first published online January 22, 2021) SJR h=9

  2. *Ferguson, D. A., & Greer, C. F. (2019). Assessing the diffusion of drones in local television news. Electronic News, 13(1), 23-33.

  3. Ferguson, D. A. (2018). Book review of The audience and business of YouTube and online videos, edited by Louisa Ha. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 62(4), 717-718.

  4. *Ferguson, D. A., & Greer, C. F. (2018). Visualizing a non-visual medium through social media: The semiotics of radio station posts on Instagram. Journal of Radio and Audio Media, 25(1), 126-141. (h=17)

  5. *Greer, C. F., & Ferguson, D. A. (2017). The local TV station as an organizational self: Promoting corporate image via Instagram. International Journal on Media Management, 19(4), 282-297. [published online 12/13/2017] (h=32)

  6. *Ferguson, D. A., & Greer, C. F. (2016). Reaching a moving target: How local TV stations are using digital tools to connect with Generation C. International Journal on Media Management (published October 2016), 18(3-4), (h=32)

  7. *Greer, C. F., & Ferguson, D. A. (2016). Most local newspapers use Pinterest only for news. Newspaper Research Journal37(3), 206-219, first published on August 22, 2016 as (accepted for publication, May 2015). (h=28)

  8. *Ferguson, D. A., & Greer, C. F. (2015). Pinning and promotion: How local television stations are using Pinterest for branding and audience connectivity. Journal of Promotion Management, 21(1), 64-81. (h=33)

  9. *Greer, C. F., & Ferguson, D. A. (2014). Tablet computers and traditional television (TV) viewing: Is the iPad replacing TV? Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, 21(2), 244-256, first published on July 24, 2014 (OnlineFirst edition) and in print (2015, May). (h=49)

  10. *Ferguson, D. A., & Greer, C. F. (2013). Predicting the adoption of mobile DTV by local television stations in the U.S. International Journal on Media Management, 15(3), 139-160. (h=32)

  11. Ferguson, D. A. (2013). Reflections from Douglas A. Ferguson. Journal of Radio & Audio Media, 20(2), 225-228, (invited)

  12. *Ferguson, D. A., & Greer, C. F. (2011). Local radio and microblogging: How radio stations in the U.S. are using Twitter. Journal of Radio and Audio Media, 18(1), 33-46. (h=17)

  13. *Greer, C. F., & Ferguson, D. A. (2011). Using Twitter for promotion and branding: A content analysis of local television Twitter sites. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 55(2), 198-214. (h=113)

  14. *Greer, C. F., & Ferguson, D. A. (2011). Following local television news personalities on Twitter: A uses and gratifications approach to social networking. Electronic News, 5(3), 145-157. (h=12)

  15. *Benigni, V. L., Ferguson, D. A., & McGee, B. R. (2011). Establishing a “renown-gown” relationship: The role of advisory boards in communication programs. Journalism & Mass Communication Educator, 66(1), 54-68. (h=29)

  16. Ferguson, D. A. (2010). The online editor: Teaching media writing with Google. Journal of Media Education, 1(2). (h=3)

  17. *Ferguson, D. A. (2009). Name-based cluster sampling. Sociological Methods & Research, 37(4), 590-598. (h=118)

  18. *Greer, C. F., & Ferguson, D. A. (2008). Factors influencing the adoption of HD Radio by local radio station managers. International Journal on Media Management, 10(4), 148-157. (h=32)

  19. *Ferguson, D. A., Greer, C. F., Reardon, M. E. (2007). Uses and gratifications of MP3 players among college students: Are iPods more popular than radio? Journal of Radio Studies, 14(2), 102-121. (h=19)

  20. Ferguson, D. A. (2006). Whither radio. Journal of Radio Studies, 13(2), 167-168.

  21. *Ferguson, D. A., & Perse, E. M. (2004). Audience satisfaction among TiVo and ReplayTV users. Journal of Interactive Advertising, 4(2). (h=59)

  22. Ferguson, D. A., (2003). A conceptual inventory of the three generations of television. The Convergence Newsletter, 1(5). Newsplex at the University of South Carolina.

  23. Ferguson, D. A. (2001). Book review and criticism: Electronic media and industrialized nations: A comparative study by D. R. Browne. Southern Communication Journal, 66(4), 357-358.

  24. *Ferguson, D. A., & Perse, E. M. (2000). The World Wide Web as a functional alternative to television. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 44(2), 155-174. (h=113)

  25. *Perse, E. M., & Ferguson, D. A. (2000). The benefits and costs of Web surfing. Communication Quarterly, 48(4), 343-359. (h=89)

  26. *Ferguson, D. A., & Melkote, S. R. (1997). Leisure time and channel repertoire in a multichannel environment. Communication Research Reports, 14(2), 189-194. (h=52)

  27. *Nathanson, A. I., Perse, E. M., & Ferguson, D. A. (1997). Gender differences in television use: An exploration of the instrumental-expressive dichotomy. Communication Research Reports, 14(2), 176-188. (h=52)

  28. Ferguson, D. A. (1997). Book review and criticism: Defining vision: The battle for the future of television by J. Brinkley. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 41(3), 449-452.

  29. Ferguson, D. A. (1996). Book review and criticism: Communication technology update, 3rd ed. by A. E. Grant and Television today and tomorrow by G. F. Jankowski & D. C. Fuchs. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 40(1), 145-148.

  30. *Ferguson, D. A. (1994). Measurement of mundane TV behaviors: Remote control device flipping frequency. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 38(1), 35-47. (h=113)

  31. *Perse, E. M., Ferguson, D. A. & McLeod, D. M. (1994). Cultivation in the newer media environment. Communication Research, 21(1), 79-104. (h=163)

  32. *Ferguson, D. A., & Perse, E. M. (1993). Media and audience influences on channel repertoire. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 37(1), 31-47. (h=113)

  33. *Perse, E. M., & Ferguson, D. A. (1993). The impact of the newer television technologies on television satisfaction. Journalism Quarterly, 70(4), 843-853. (h=114)

  34. *Ferguson, D. A. (1992). Channel repertoire in the presence of remote control devices, VCRs, and cable television. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 36(1), 83-91. (h=113)

  35. Ferguson, D. A. (1992). Book review and criticism: Polling and presidential election coverage by Paul Lavrakas and Jack Holley. Journalism Quarterly, 69(2), 506-507.

  36. *Ferguson, D. A. (1992). Predicting inheritance effects from VCR and cable penetration. Dowden Center Journal, 1(1), 28-40. [doi not available] (h=1)

  37. *Klopfenstein, B. C., Spears, S. C., & Ferguson, D. A. (1991). VCR attitudes and behaviors by length of ownership. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 35(4), 525-531. (h=113)

  38. *Smith, K. A., & Ferguson, D. A. (1990). Voter partisan orientations and the use of political television. Journalism Quarterly, 67(4), 864-874. (h=114)

  39. Klopfenstein, B. C., & Ferguson, D. A. (1990). Conducting telephone survey research for student-operated campus radio stations. Feedback, 31(3), 12-16. [doi not available]

Book Chapters (^ = boxed contribution to a chapter)
  1. Ferguson, D. A., & Kontrimas, L. (2025, forthcoming). Content: Media strategies and practices. In P. C. Murschetz, C. dal Zotto, M. Hang, and P. McDonald (Eds.), International Media Management: Key Issues and Current Practices (1st Ed.). Springer.

  2. Ferguson, D. A., & Greer, C. F. (2021). The diffusion of virtual reality in local television news. In L. M. Mahoney and T. Tang (Eds.), The Rowman & Littlefield Handbook of Media Management and Business (pp. 357-373). Rowman & Littlefield. (Released and published December 2020)

  3. Ferguson, D. A. (2018). Content/program distribution. In A. Albarran, B. Mierzejewska, and J. Jung (Eds.), Handbook of Media Management and Economics (2nd Ed.) (pp. 219-237). Routledge.

  4. Ferguson, D. A. (2012). The trivial pursuits of mass audiences using social media: A content analysis of Facebook wall posts by fans of top-trending television programs. In H. S. Noor Al-Deen and J. A. Hendricks (Eds.), Social Media: Usage and Impact (pp. 39-53). Lexington Books.

  5. Ferguson, D. A. (2012). The domain of inquiry for media management researchers. In C. Warner (Ed.), Media Management Review (pp. 177-184). Lawrence Erlbaum. [Originally accepted as a refereed article in the first issue of a new journal that Lawrence Erlbaum subsequently reimagined in 1997 as an edited book that was republished in electronic format by Taylor & Francis in 2012]

  6. Ferguson, D. A. (2010). The obstinate audience revisited: The decline of network advertising. In J. A. Hendricks (Ed.), The Twenty-First-Century Media Industry: Economic and Managerial Implications in the Age of New Media (pp. 61-79). Lexington Books.

  7. Ferguson, D. A. (2006). Industry specific management issues. In A. Albarran, S. Chan-Olmsted, and M. Wirth (Eds.), Handbook of Media Management and Economics (pp. 297-323). Lawrence Erlbaum.

  8. Ferguson, D. A. (2005). The importance of colorization of motion pictures and syndicated television programs to broadcasting, 1985-1990. In J. E. Winn and S. Brinson (Eds.), Transmitting the Past: Historical and Cultural Perspectives on Broadcasting (pp. 92-110). University of Alabama Press.

  9. Ferguson, D. A. (2004). The broadcast television networks. In A. Alexander, J. Owers, R. Carveth, A. Hollifield, and A. Greco (Eds.), Media Economics: Theory and Practice (3rd Ed.) (pp. 149-171). Lawrence Erlbaum.

  10. Ferguson, D. A., & Perse, E. M. (2003). The World Wide Web as a functional alternative to television. In T. Miller (Ed.), Television: Critical Concepts in Media and Cultural Studies, (Vol. 5, Essay 96) (pp. 212-232). Routledge.

  11. ^Ferguson, D. A. (2003). Remembering a mentor: Joe Foley. In M. D. Murray and R. L. Moore (Eds.), Mass Communication Education (pp. 295-296). Iowa State Press.

  12. Ferguson, D. A. (2000). Online program promotion. In S. T. Eastman (Ed.), Research in Media Promotion (pp. 323-348). Lawrence Erlbaum.

  13. Walker, J. R., & Ferguson, D. A. (2000). The structure of the broadcast television industry. In A. Greco (Ed.), The Media and Entertainment Industries: in Mass Communications (pp. 157-171). Allyn & Bacon.

  14. Ferguson, D. A. (2000). HDTV. In R. Osso (Ed.), The Handbook of Communications Technologies: The Next Decade (pp. 309-322). CRC Press LLC.

  15. Perse, E. M., & Ferguson, D. A. (1997). The impact of the newer television technologies on television satisfaction. In A. Wells and E. A. Hakanen (Eds.), Mass Media and Society (pp. 317-330). Ablex.

  16. Perse, E. M., & Ferguson, D. A. (1993). Gender differences in remote control use. In J. R. Walker and R. V. Bellamy, Jr. (Eds.), The Remote Control Device in the New Age of Television (pp. 169-186). Praeger.

Encyclopedia Entries and Annotated Bibliographies

  1. Ferguson, D. A. (2008). Radio. Encyclopedia entry in W. Donsbach (Ed.), International Encyclopedia of Communication (pp. 4078-4080). Wiley-Blackwell.

  2. Ferguson, D. A. (2008). Radio news. Encyclopedia entry in W. Donsbach (Ed.), International Encyclopedia of Communication (pp. 4101-4102). Wiley-Blackwell.

  3. Ferguson, D. A. (2007). Listeners' age and use of radio. Encyclopedia entry in J. J. Arnett (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Children, Adolescents, and the Media. Sage.

  4. Ferguson, D. A. (2005). A selected bibliography of dissertations and master's theses on radio studies. Journal of Radio Studies, 12(2), 313-315.

Papers Read to Professional Societies (* = blind refereed) (Scribd link) ( link) ( analytics link)
  1. *Greer, C. F., & Ferguson, D. A. (2020, April). Conversational style of personality radio station posts on Twitter: Applying Hall's proxemics to digital communication. Paper accepted for remote presentation at the annual meeting of the Broadcast Education Association (BEA), Las Vegas. (Second-place open entry in the Radio & Audio Media Division)

  2. *Ferguson, D. A., Greer, C. F., & Mintle, L. (2018, November). Assessing the role of mobile devices in binge television viewing. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association (NCA), Salt Lake City.

  3. Ferguson, D. A. (2018, August). Teaching media programming in the non-linear and on-demand media consumption era. Invited panel presentation at the annual meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), Washington, DC.

  4. *Ferguson, D. A., & Greer, C. F. (2018, April). Assessing the diffusion of drones and virtual reality in local television news. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Broadcast Education Association (BEA), Las Vegas. (First-place open entry in the News Division).

  5. Ferguson, D. A., & Greer, C. F. (2017, April). Visualizing a non-visual medium through social media: The semiotics of radio station posts on Instagram. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Broadcast Education Association (BEA), Las Vegas.

  6. *Greer, C. F., & Ferguson, D. A. (2016, November). Local TV station presentation of self on Instagram: Applying Goffman to organizational use of social media. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association (NCA), Philadelphia.

  7. *Ferguson, D. A., & Greer, C. F. (2015, November). Reaching a moving target: How local TV stations are using digital tools to connect with Generation C. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association (NCA), Las Vegas.

  8. *Greer, C. F., & Ferguson, D. A. (2014, August). The adoption of Pinterest by local newspapers in the U.S. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), Montreal. (Second-place faculty paper in the Newspaper and Online News division).

  9. *Ferguson, D. A., & Greer, C. F. (2013, April). Pinning and promotion: How local television stations are using Pinterest for branding and audience connectivity. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Broadcast Education Association (BEA), Las Vegas.

  10. *Ferguson, D. A., & Greer, C. F. (2012, April). Predicting the adoption of mobile DTV by local television stations in the U.S.   Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Broadcast Education Association (BEA), Las Vegas. (Second-place open entry in the MMP division).

  11. *Greer, C. F., & Ferguson, D. A. (2012, April). Tablet computers and traditional TV viewing: Is the iPad replacing television?  Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Broadcast Education Association (BEA), Las Vegas. (First-place open entry in the IMET division)

  12. *Greer, C. F., & Ferguson, D. A. (2011, April). Following local television news personalities on Twitter: A uses and gratification approach to social networking. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Broadcast Education Association (BEA), Las Vegas. (First-place, open competition, in the News division)

  13. Ferguson, D. A. (2011, March). Invited panelist for a session titled "Technology and social interaction: The growing role of social media in interpersonal communication," at the annual meeting of the Southern States Communication Association (SSCA), Little Rock.

  14. *Ferguson, D. A., & Greer, C. F. (2010, April). Local radio and online audience connectivity: How stations in the U.S. are using Twitter. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Broadcast Education Association (BEA), Las Vegas.

  15. *Greer, C. F., & Ferguson, D. A. (2010, April). Using Twitter for promotion and branding: A content analysis of local television Twitter sites. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Broadcast Education Association (BEA), Las Vegas. (First-place, open competition)

  16. *Greer, C. F., & Ferguson, D. A. (2009, November). Radio audience attitudes toward programming and localism in the decade following the 1996 Telecommunications Act. Paper presented to the Mass Communication Division at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association (NCA), Chicago.

  17. *Greer, C. F., & Ferguson, D. A. (2008, April). Factors influencing the adoption of HD Radio by local radio station managers. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Broadcast Education Association (BEA), Las Vegas. (First-place, open competition in the Management division)

  18. Ferguson, D. A. (2008, April). Social media: The engaged audience. Invited panel paper presented at the annual meeting of the Broadcast Education Association (BEA), Las Vegas.

  19. *Capps, W. E., & Ferguson, D. A. (2008, April). Cultivation effects of political television advertising in influencing and persuading voters. Paper presented to the annual meeting of the Southern States Communication Association (SSCA), Savannah.

  20. Ferguson, D. A. (2007, October). The online editor: Teaching writing with Google. Invited paper presented to the Convergence and Society: Media Ownership, Control and Consolidation conference, Columbia, SC.

  21. *Ferguson, D. A., Greer, C. F., & Reardon, M. R. (2007, April). Uses and gratifications of MP3 players by college students: Are iPods more popular than radio? Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Broadcast Education Association (BEA), Las Vegas. (First-place, open competition)

  22. Ferguson, D. A. (2007, April). Social networking and the active audience. Invited paper presented at the annual meeting of the Broadcast Education Association (BEA), Las Vegas.

  23. Ferguson, D. A. (2007, April). The journal editorial review process and documentary research treatments. Invited paper presented at the annual meeting of the Broadcast Education Association (BEA), Las Vegas.

  24. Ferguson, D. A. (2006, November). The use of poster sessions to present student research in the methods classroom. Paper distributed as part of a panel presentation at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association (NCA), San Antonio.

  25. *Ferguson, D. A. (2005, April). The value of self-selected samples in new media research. Paper presented within a refereed Communication Technology Division panel (Digital Video Recorders at Five Years: Is the Revolution Still Coming?) at the annual meeting of the Broadcast Education Association (BEA), Las Vegas.

  26. *Ferguson, D. A., & Perse, E. M. (2005, April). Length of DVR ownership effects on ad-skipping. Paper presented within a refereed Communication Technology Division panel (Digital Video Recorders at Five Years: Is the Revolution Still Coming?) at the annual meeting of the Broadcast Education Association (BEA), Las Vegas.

  27. *Ferguson, D. A., & Perse, E. M. (2004, August). Ad skipping and satisfaction among TiVo users by length of ownership. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), Toronto.

  28. Ferguson, D. A. (2004, April). Asynchronous viewing options in the year 2005. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Southern States Communication Association (SSCA), Tampa.

  29. Perse, E. M., & Ferguson, D. A. (2003, April). Audience activity and the third generation of television. Paper presented for a refereed Research Division panel (Uses and Gratifications in the Newer Electronic Media) at the annual meeting of the Broadcast Education Association (BEA), Las Vegas.

  30. Ferguson, D. A. (2002, November). Asynchronous revenue streams in TV's third generation. A panel presentation for The Dynamics of Convergent Media conference at the University of South Carolina, Columbia.

  31. *Ferguson, D. A., & Benigni, V. L. (2002, November). Relationship strategies in a large Department of Communication. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association (NCA), New Orleans. (Top-3 paper in the Association for Communication Administration Division)

  32. *Ferguson, D. A. (2002, April). A conceptual inventory of three generations of television. Paper presented to the Broadcast Education Association (BEA), Las Vegas. (Second-place open-entry paper [$100 cash award] in the Management & Sales division)

  33. Ferguson, D. A., & Perse, E. M., (2002, April). Audience satisfaction among TiVo users: A comparison of two national samples. Paper for a refereed Management and Sales Division panel (The Impact of TiVo and Other PVRs on the Television Broadcasting Industry) moderated by the lead-author at the annual meeting of the Broadcast Education Association (BEA), Las Vegas.

  34. Ferguson, D. A., & Perse, E. M., (2001, November). An exploration of audience behavior with digital video recorders (DVRs). Paper for a refereed Mass Communication Division panel (The "New" Television Viewer: Research on the Influence of New Communication Technologies) chaired by the lead-author at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association (NCA), Atlanta.

  35. *Ferguson, D. A., & Perse, E. M., (2001, August). Enhanced television viewing with digital video recorders (DVRs): Audience satisfaction in an asynchronous television environment. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), Washington, DC.

  36. *Ferguson, D. A. (2001, April). Programming strategies for online video and audio. Paper presented to the annual meeting of the Southern States Communication Association, Lexington, KY.

  37. *Perse, E. M., & Ferguson, D. A. (2000, November). Web surfing satisfaction. Paper presented to the of the annual meeting of the National Communication Association (NCA), Seattle. (Top-3 paper in the Mass Communication Division)

  38. *Ferguson, D. A. (2000, March). Program promotion on the internet. Paper presented to the annual meeting of the Southern States Communication Association, New Orleans.

  39. *Ferguson, D. A., & Perse, E. M. (1998, November). The World Wide Web as a functional alternative to television. Paper presented to the Mass Communication Division of the annual meeting of the National Communication Association (NCA), New York.

  40. Ferguson, D. A., and Klopfenstein, B. C. (1998, August). How media managers deal with change: The case of HDTV. Panel of the Media Management & Economics division at the annual meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), Baltimore.

  41. *Ferguson, D. A., & Greer, C. (1998, April). Inheritance effects in launching new sitcoms. Paper presented to the Management & Sales Division of the annual meeting of the Broadcast Education Association (BEA), Las Vegas. (Award certificate from the division for being a paper competition winner).

  42. *Walker, J. R., and Ferguson, D. A. (1997, July). Changing demographics of mass media industries in the U.S.: The broadcast television industry. Joint refereed panel of the Media Management & Economics and Advertising divisions at the annual meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), Chicago.

  43. Ferguson, D. A. (1997, April). Broadcast television in a multi-channel world. A panel presentation at the Central States Communication Association annual meeting, St. Louis.

  44. Ferguson, D. A. (1996, May). The World Wide Web from a text author's perspective. Paper presented as part of a Communication & Technology Division panel at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association (ICA), Chicago.

  45. *Perse, E. M., Nathanson, A. I., & Ferguson, D. A. (1995, November). Gender differences in television use: An exploration of the instrumental-expressive dichotomy. Paper presented as part of a refereed panel at the annual meeting of the Speech Communication Association (now NCA), San Antonio.

  46. *Ferguson, D. A., & Melkote, S. R. (1995, November). The public opinion implications of leisure time and channel repertoire in a multichannel environment. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Midwest Association for Public Opinion Research, Chicago.

  47. *Ferguson, D. A., & Perse, E. M. (1994, March). Viewing television without a remote: A deprivation study. Paper presented to the Research Division of the annual meeting of the Broadcast Education Association (BEA), Las Vegas.

  48. *Perse, E. M. & Ferguson, D. A. (1992, November). Gratifications and the newer media technologies. Paper presented to the Mass Communication Division of the annual meeting of the annual meeting of the Speech Communication Association (now NCA), Chicago.

  49. *Perse, E. M., Ferguson, D. A., and McLeod, D. M. (1992, August). Cultivation and the newer media technologies. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), Montreal. (First-place out of 24 accepted entries to the Communication Theory and Methodology Division)

  50. *Ferguson, D. A. (1992, April). Measurement of mundane TV behaviors: Remote control device flipping frequency. Paper presented as part of a refereed panel on "Refining our Measurement of Important Media Variables" for the Research Division at the the annual meeting of the Broadcast Education Association (BEA), Las Vegas.

  51. *Ferguson, D. A., & Perse, E. M. (1992, April). Media structure and audience influences on channel repertoire. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Broadcast Education Association (BEA), Las Vegas. (First-place open-entry paper in the Research Division)

  52. *Ferguson, D. A. (1991, November). The importance of colorization of motion pictures and syndicated television programs to broadcasting: 1985-1990. Paper presented as part of a refereed panel at the annual meeting of the Speech Communication Association (now NCA), Atlanta.

  53. *Ferguson, D. A. (1991, November). Gender differences in the use of remote control devices. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Speech Communication Association (now NCA), Atlanta.

  54. *Ferguson, D. A. (1991, May). Channel repertoire in the new media environment. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association (ICA), Chicago.

  55. *Ferguson, D. A. (1991, May). The economics of Caller ID. Paper presented as part of refereed panel at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association (ICA), Chicago. (Panel ranked 2nd of 53 proposals in the Communication & Technology Division)

  56. *Ferguson, D. A. (1991, April). Focus group research as a tool for theory development. Paper presented as part of a refereed panel on "Nonquantitative Approaches to Media Research" for the Research Division at the annual meeting of the Broadcast Education Association (BEA), Las Vegas.

  57. *Ferguson, D. A. (1991, April). The domain of inquiry for media management researchers. First-place debut paper ($200 cash award) in the Management & Sales Division at the annual meeting of the Broadcast Education Association (BEA), Las Vegas.

  58. *Klopfenstein, B. C., & Ferguson, D. A. (1991, April). VCR survey meta-research: An application of the propositional inventory. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Broadcast Education Association (BEA), Las Vegas. (First-place open-entry in the Research Division)

  59. *Klopfenstein, B. C., & Ferguson, D. A. (1990, November). Setting the VCR research agenda for the 1990s: A meta-analysis of the first decade of VCR research. Paper presented as part of a refereed panel at the annual meeting of the Speech Communication Association (now NCA), Chicago.

  60. *Ferguson, D. A. (1990, November). Selective exposure to television: An exploratory study of VCR usage. Paper presented as part of a refereed panel at the annual meeting of the Speech Communication Association (now NCA), Chicago.

  61. *Ferguson, D. A. (1990, November). Selective exposure to television: Predicting inheritance effects from VCR and cable penetration. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Speech Communication Association (now NCA), Chicago. (Top 5 paper out of 84 competitive Mass Communication Division entries)

  62. *Klopfenstein, B. C., & Ferguson, D. A. (1990, September). Conducting telephone survey research for student-operated campus radio stations. Paper presented at the Broadcast Education Association (BEA) Radio Only Conference, Boston.

  63. *Klopfenstein, B. C., Spears, S. C., & Ferguson, D. A. (1990, August). VCR attitudes and behaviors by length of VCR presence. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), Minneapolis.

  64. *Smith, K. A., & Ferguson, D. A. (1990, August). The portrayal and influence of the personal and professional behavior of prime-time television characters. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), Minneapolis.

  65. Smith, K. A., & Ferguson, D. A. (1989, April). Political independents and media use. Paper presented at a regional meeting of the Communication Theory and Methodology Division of the AEJMC, Columbus, OH.

  66. *Smith, K. A., & Ferguson, D. A. (1988, November). Family socialization and public affairs media predictors of partisan orientations. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Midwest Association of Public Opinion Research, Chicago.


Patton Boggs LLP, Litigation Consultant (Expert Witness), wrote a declaration exhibit in a complaint to the Federal Communications Commission filed by Bloomberg L.P. against Comcast LLC, August 2011.

Gerson Lehrman Group, Member, Tech, Media & Telecom Council.

TV Asahi (Japanese group owner), report on the future of commercial television in the United States, July 2000.

Globosat satellite network, May 2000, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Conducted week-long seminar.

Arab Radio-Television satellite network, August 1999, Avezzano, Italy. Conducted week-long seminar.


International Radio-Television Society (IRTS) Faculty/Industry Seminar, Las Vegas, (funded by IRTS grant): January 2018.

NATPE (National Association of Television Program Executives) Conference and Exhibition, Miami Beach, January 23-25, 2012 (funded by a $2000+ NATPE Educational Foundation grant).

International Radio-Television Society (IRTS) Faculty/Industry Seminar, New York City, (funded by IRTS grant): 2005, 2003, 2000, 1997, 1995, 1991.

NATPE (National Association of Television Program Executives) Conference and Exhibition, New Orleans, January 25-28, 1999 (funded by a $2000+ NATPE Educational Foundation grant and a travel grant from BGSU).

National Engineering Consortium University Faculty Grant ($995) to attend the 1992 National Communications Forum, Chicago, October 1992.

Faculty Research Committee Basic Grant ($3000) from BGSU to study inheritance effects in the new media environment, Summer 1992.

Faculty Development Grant ($1070) from BGSU to attend the NAB Management Development Seminar for Television Executives, July 19-25, 1992, Northwestern University.

One of five recipients of two grants from the Office of Consumers' Counsel (State of Ohio) for $21,553 to study arguments in favor of mandatory "caller-ID" blocking from Ohio Bell, June 1990.

Recipient of one of the two 1989 Dowden Center Doctoral Dissertation Grants ($1000) from the University of Georgia . Presented on May 2, 1990, in a ceremony in Athens, GA.

Selected Honors

Outstanding Faculty of the Year Award for the Graduate School, Office of Multicultural Student Programs and Services, April 2012.

Stephen H. Coltrin Award for Excellence in Electronic Media Education, International Radio and Television Society (IRTS) Faculty/Industry Seminar, first-place team award, 1992, 1997, 2003 .

Outstanding Ph.D. Student (1988-89) and (1989-90), School of Mass Communication, Bowling Green State University. Chosen from different fields of fifteen doctoral candidates.

Phi Beta Kappa. The Ohio State University, 1973.

of Charleston

    Introduction to communication
    Mass media
    Media in the Digital Age [online and blended versions]
    Social media [online and blended versions]
    Media marketing
    Communication research methods [online and blended versions]
    Media history
    Communication management
    Capstone in communication

Bowling Green State University

    Introduction to mass media
    Introduction to film
    Radio announcing and production     
    Introduction to television production
    Film production
    Applied research in telecommunication
    Intermediate television production
    Media effects
    Advanced radio production
    Electronic media management
    Television programming
    Economics, sales and promotion
    Sports broadcasting
    Broadcast station management
    Political communication
    Proseminar in mass communication
    Analyzing research data with SPSS
    Seminar in media management

Rhodes State College    

    Introduction to robotics
    Programmable logic controllers
    Electronic interface systems
    Digital equipment fundamentals

Continuing Education

Online Courses Completed

Social Media Analytics, Queensland University of Technology, 2016

Introduction to Communication Science, University of Amsterdam, 2015

The Data Scientist's Toolbox, Johns Hopkins University, 2015

R Programming, Johns Hopkins University, 2015

Getting and Cleaning Data, Johns Hopkins University, 2015

Exploratory Data Analysis, Johns Hopkins University, 2015

Microsoft: DAT204x Introduction to R, 2015

Thesis and Dissertation Students

   M.A. Thesis Committees

Jose Aviles (member), 2013, "High-Risk Gameplay: Effects on Arousal, Presence, Attraction, Altruism and Problematic Gaming"

Elizabeth Dorrance Hall (member), 2011, "The Language of Clothes: Nonverbal Communication Intention and Misinterpretation"

Mia Fischer (member), 2010, "'Birds of a Feather Flock Together' Reloaded: Homophily in the Context of Web 2.0 in Online Social Networking Sites, Such as Facebook"

Laura Crosswell (member), 2008, Professional Project: Assistant to the Director of Special Projects and Advertising at College of Charleston's Division of Marketing and Communication

Ronald Schlegel (member), 1997, "The Diffusion and Adoption of Microcomputer Platforms in U.S. Organizations: The Establishment of the Microsoft Windows PC as the De Facto Microcomputing Standard"

Krishna Kandath (member), 1997, "Agenda-Setting Effects of English Press in India: A Case Study in Hyderabad"

Leigh Hallisey (member), 1997, "Decades of Decadence: Aaron Spelling as Television Auteur"

Elizabeth Rogers (member), 1993, "Resisting Patriarchy: The Femme Fatale Image in Four Films Noirs"

Charles Earl (adviser), 1992, "Sources of District Awareness Among Voters"

Michelle Ruggles (adviser), 1992, "The Public Broadcasting Service and Its New Strategy Directions for the Nineties"

Darrin Sutherland (member), 1992, "A Study of the 1990 British Television Broadcasting Bill"

Andrew Daniel (member), 1991, "Telephone Company/Cable Television Cross-ownership: A Critical Examination"

   Ph.D. Dissertation Committees

Randyll Yoder (adviser), 1997, "Public Access Producers: The Roles of Genre, Motivation, and Audience in Program Design"

William Covington, Jr. (adviser), 1994, "Systems Theory Applied to the Management of Television Stations in the Midst of a Multichannel Marketplace" (published as Systems Theory Applied to Television Station Management in the Competitive Marketplace by University Press of America, 1997)

Carol Schlagheck (member), 1997, "Newspaper Readership Choices Among Young Adults"

Edward J. Carlin, II (member), 1996, "An Analysis of the Variables Influencing the Potential Adoption of a New Communication Innovation: The Case of the Digital Satellite System"

Stuart Esrock (member), 1995, "Consumer Predispositions Toward the National Information Infrastructure: An Exploratory Study in Perceptions and the Potential Diffusion of the Information Superhighway"

Edward Brewer (member), 1995, "Turning up the Heat: A Study of the Rhetorical Patterns of the American Family Association"

Jeffrey Harman (member), 1995, "Digital Radio Broadcasting Technology Applications: A Delphi Forecast Study"

Sandhya Rao (member), 1992, "Role of Users' Attitudes and Perceptions in the Implementation of NICNET in Karnataka State, India"



Department of Communication, College of Charleston

Chair, Curriculum Committee, 2018-2019

Chair, Search Committee (Media and Research Methods), 2015-2016.

Member, Graduate Committee, 2014-2023.

Chair, Executive Committee, 2012-2014.

Chair, Curriculum and Enrollment Management Committee, 2013-2014.

Member, Executive Committee, 2011-2012.

Chair, Search Committee (New Media), 2011-2012.

Member, Curriculum and Enrollment Management Committee, 2012-2013.

Chair, Curriculum and Enrollment Management Committee, 2010-2012.

Member, Curriculum and Enrollment Management Committee, 2009-2010.

Chair, Executive Committee, 2005-2008.

Graduate Program Director, 2004-2008.

Chair, 1999-2004.

Department of Telecommunications, Bowling Green State University

Chair, 1997-1999.

Acting Director, School of Communication Studies, June 16-20, 1997.

Member, Director’s Advisory Committee, School of Communication Studies, 1996-1998.

Member, Assessment Committee, 1996-1997

Co-presenter, World Wide Web Workshop for Broadcasters, December 8, 1995, and February 9, 1996, day-long sessions held at BGSU for Ohio radio and TV broadcasters.

Member, Chair Evaluation Committee, Spring 1995.

Acting Chair, Spring 1994 and Summer 1996.

Acting Graduate Coordinator, School of Mass Communication, BGSU, Spring 1993.

Member, Charter Committee, School of Mass Communication, BGSU, 1993.

Founding co-adviser, BG 24 News, School of Mass Communication, 1992-1993.

Coordinator, School of Mass Communication Computer Network, BGSU, 1992-1995.

Director, Radio-Television Summer Workshop, June 1992 and 1993. Planned week-long workshop for high school students at BGSU.

Chair, Undergraduate Program Committee, School of Mass Communication, 1992-94.

Chair, TV Faculty Search Committee, Summer 1993.

Member, Undergraduate Program Committee, School of Mass Communication, 1991-1992.

Member, Undergraduate Appeals Committee, 1991-1994.

Assistant Director, Radio-Television-Film Summer Workshop, June 1988 - June 1991.


College of Charleston

Chair, Educational Technology Committee, 2019-2020.

Member, Educational Technology Committee, 2017-2019.

Member, Task Force for the Undergraduate Major in General Studies, 2016-2017.

Faculty Coordinator for Online Education, 2014-2020.

Member, Advisory Committee On Tenure, Promotion, and Third-Year Review, 2012-2014.

Alternate, Advisory Committee On Tenure, Promotion, and Third-Year Review, 2011-2012.

Member, Faculty Grievance Committee, 2010-2011.

Member, Faculty Compensation Committee, 2009-2010.

Member, Faculty Senate, 2002-2004.

Member, Executive Committee, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2009-2010.

Bowling Green State University

Assistant Dean for Resources and Planning, College of Arts and Sciences, 1994-1997.

Participant, "Higher Education Access and Retention: Going Beyond Affirmative Action," joint session among BGSU, Medical College of Ohio, University of Toledo, and Owens Community College, March 28, 1996.

Member, Graduate Council, 1996-1997, representing the Dean.

Moderator, "Technology in Higher Education," Ohio Conference of Dean of Colleges of Arts and Sciences, April 1995. 

Member, Arts & Sciences Committee, College of Arts & Sciences, BGSU, 1992-1997.
Member, Subcommittee to Study the Role of Part-time Faculty, 1996.

Member, Dean Search Committee, College of Arts & Sciences, 1992-1993.

Member, Social Science Committee, College of Arts & Sciences, 1992-1993. (Secretary, 1993-1994)

Member, Film Studies Program Committee, College of Arts & Sciences, 1992-1994.


College of Charleston

Chair, Educational Technology Committee, 2019-2020.

Member, Educational Technology Committee, 2017-2018.

Member, Task Force for the Undergraduate Major in General Studies, 2016-2017.

Faculty Coordinator for Online Education, 2014-2020.

Member, Advisory Committee On Tenure, Promotion, and Third-Year Review, 2012-2014.

Alternate, Advisory Committee On Tenure, Promotion, and Third-Year Review, 2011-2012.

Member, Faculty Grievance Committee, 2010-2011.

Member, Faculty Compensation Committee, 2009-2010.

Member, Faculty Senate, 2002-2004.

Bowling Green State University

Member, ADeans Council, 1996-1997.

Member, Search Committee for Director of Center for Teaching, Learning and Technology, 1995-1996.

Member, Search Committee for Director of Institutional Research, 1995-1996.

Chair, Broadcast Advisory Committee, 1990-1993.

Graduate Student Orientation Leader, 1989.


Editor, Journal of Radio and Audio Media, 2005-2008.

Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 1994-2001; 2005-present.

Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Radio and Audio Media, 2008-present.

Member, Editorial Board, International Journal on Media Management, 2013-present.

Nominations Committee, Mass Communication Division, National Communication Association, 2003-2004.

Research Committee, National Communication Association, 2002-2003.

Member, Editorial Board, Media Management Review, 1996-1998.

Newsletter Editor, The Gatekeeper, Mass Communication Division, National Communication Association, 1998.

Moderator, "Sitcoms in New Settings" panel, BGSU Conference on the 50 year anniversary of the American Television Situation Comedy, 1947-1997, September 23-27, 1997.

Chair, Management & Sales Division, Broadcast Education Association (BEA), 1995-1997.

Moderator, Paper Winners panel, BEA, Management & Sales Division, April 1995, in Las Vegas.

Vice-Chair, Management & Sales Division, BEA, 1993-1995.

Secretary-Newsletter Editor, Management & Sales Division, BEA, 1991-1993.

Chair, Nominating Committee, Mass Communication Division, Speech Communication Association, 1992-93.

Moderator, "Maximizing Profits in a 400 Channel World," Broadcast Education Association, Management & Sales Division, April 13, 1992, in Las Vegas.

Manuscript Reviewer

Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, Journal of Radio & Audio Media, Journal of Communication, Journal of Media Economics, Communication Research, Journal of Advertising, Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, Media Psychology, International Journal on Media Management.

See complete list (since 2010) at Web of Science (free registration) (then click on Peer Review tab)